
Herdwick Sheep In the Blood


A passion for Herdwick sheep has led Ian Grisedale to pursue a modern commercial twist on the ancient Lake District hill breed. His family farmed Swinside, in the south western fells of the Lake District where the hardy Herdwicks ran and up to 1,000ft above sea level. [read article]


Moralee Herefords Live up to Expectations


Pedigree Hereford cattle have lived up to expectations for Tom and Di Harrison at Mickley Square, near Stocksfield, Northumberland, winning acclaim in the show ring, topping pedigree sales and providing quality beef for direct sale. [read article]


A Passion for Pedigree Suffolk Sheep


Mother and daughter Glynis and Jane Soulsby still share the passion for pedigree Suffolk sheep breeding 28 years after their Williamsgill flock was established. [read article]

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